Diamond Suppliers
ECJ does not use diamonds only labeled “conflict free” as this label does not insure that diamonds are actually free of conflict. For this reason, we only use recycled/repurposed diamonds and lab grown diamonds. To read more about the conflict free issue, click here.
Perpetuum deals in all post-consumer diamonds, specializing in unique and vintage cuts like Old Mine Cut and Old European Cut. Perpetuum Jewels is certified by SCS Global Services as a Certified Responsible Source and for 100% Post-Consumer Recycled Gemstones, offering environmentally sustainable alternatives to newly-mined stones.
Hoover and Strong offers recycled diamonds for both their small and large diamonds. Hoover and Strong has long been a supporter of the "green" movement and are certified by SCS Global Services for their 100% recycled precious metals.
WD Diamonds supplies all of our lab grown diamonds as they are the first SCS Sustainability Rated Lab Grown Diamond Supplier. WD has been evaluated against five pillars (Origin Traceability, Ethical Stewardship, Climate Neutrality, Sustainable Production Practices and Sustainability Investments) of sustainability and is found to be in full conformance with the requirements of the SCS 007 Jewelry Sustainability Standard. Each lab grown diamond we sell comes with a Certificate of Sustainability, provided by SCS Global Services. You can learn more about the SCS 007 label here.